
Atmospheric particulate matter (APM) produced by the steel industry comprises a complex mixture of particles that includes a wide variety of metals and metallic nanoparticles. These particles settle out onto areas surrounding the industries. There is evidence that this ‘settleable’ APM (SePM) may cause air-to-water cross-contamination with significant effects on aquatic biota. Recent investigations have reported sublethal impacts on the gill structure and blood oxygen-carrying capacity of fishes, which raises the hypothesis that there will be consequences for gas exchange capacity and ability to support aerobic activities. Therefore, we investigated the effects of an environmentally relevant level of SePM contamination on swimming performance and associated aerobic metabolic rates in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Short-term exposure (96 h) to SePM reduced critical swimming speed, energetic efficiency of aerobic swimming, standard metabolic rate, maximum metabolic rate, and aerobic scope. The compromised swimming performance could have adverse ecological effects by limiting foraging ability, predator evasion, territorial protection, and migration. The impairments to aerobic capacity could also affect overall fish performance by influencing long-term energy balance and allocation to growth and reproduction. Thus, despite being sublethal, SePM contamination is considerably debilitating, and if its limiting effects are not compensated for in the longer term, this may reduce the survival and fitness of fish populations.

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