
Ideally, the space allocated for the tissue culture laboratory should be one dedicated to tissue culture functions exclusively, in order to minimize the introduction of potential contaminants. Traffic in and out of the culture room (space) and talking in the space are to be discouraged. All tasks that do not need to be performed in the culture room (e.g., which do not require a sterile environment) should be performed elsewhere. People not actively engaged in doing cell culture should leave the room. Minimize entry and exit, for example, by having a refrigerator and freezer in the culture room or an airlock “entry room” so that there is no need to enter and exit the culture room during the course of an experiment to obtain reagents necessary for the culture work. If space allows, an airlock can help to ensure a “clean” tissue culture room. If it is not possible to have a separate room for the cell culture equipment, select a corner of the laboratory that is farthest away from doors and other heavily trafficked areas. Place all the culture equipment together in this area of the room and remove any equipment not needed for cell culture to another area of the laboratory. This area should then be cleaned and maintained as described.KeywordsVibration IsolationCulture RoomCulture WorkSpinner FlaskInverted Phase Contrast MicroscopeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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