
A distortion of coastal communities has been reported along the European Atlantic in recent years. In NW Spain, the lack of studies focusing on long-term changes was resolved when several common perennial seaweeds were shown to have diminished in occurrence between 1998/99 and 2014. To ascertain whether their decline reflected a genuine long-term trend, the same network of monitoring locations and the same set of perennial seaweeds was re-surveyed in 2018. Contrary to our expectations, the average number of species per site increased in semi-exposed and semi-sheltered locations to become statistically indistinguishable from 1998/99 estimates. Nevertheless, site occupancy rates continued to be below 1998/99 estimates for several seaweeds, and warming, both from rising average temperatures and from more frequent and intense marine heatwaves in autumn, seems a plausible explanation for their decline. The benefits of routinely monitoring a network of fixed stations, especially when they are subject to different levels of wave exposure, are discussed.

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