
In article are researched peculiarities of mass celebrations setting in 60-80's of XX century in Kyiv. There is established that mass celebrations in Kyiv had mainly state and official character of period. In this regard setting of celebrations (posters, banners, portraits, stands, musical accompaniment and theatrical performance) subordinated to ideological content and had propagandistic trend. The article outlines that Soviet past of Ukraine further largely continues to define our mentality, mode of life, pattern of behavior in society. One of those Soviet remnants in Ukrainian society is some mass celebrations. It is states that in general phenomenon of mass celebrations is an important part of social and cultural realities of our time and used as a communication technology, as a method of consolidation of various communities and way of broadcasting a variety of social ideas. The aim of article is study of specific setting of mass celebrations in Kyiv during Soviet period in 60-80 years of XX century. The most developed in domestic scientific researches is ethno-cultural aspect of holiday phenomenon (V. Borysenko, M. Havryluk, M. Zakovych, S. Zubkov, O. Kurochkin, P. Sokolov, I. Sukhanov). Holiday as a social phenomenon studied Y. Belousov, D. Genkin, K. Zhyhulskyy, A. Mazaev, E. Kaverina, A. Nekrylova, O. Nemyro, A. Piotrowski, V. Propp, S. Turin, D. Uhrynovych, N. Hrenov, O. Shcherbynin, and L. Shumikhina. Specificity of holiday as a symbolic form of culture reveals O. Popravko. In scientific studies of T. Gayevska and J. Slutskaya holidays analyzed as a part of Soviet culture. Some aspects of mass celebrations setting in Eastern Ukraine in 60's and 80's of XX century studied O. Penkova. At beginning article proved that mass celebrations played an important role in Soviet culture. Besides entertainment function they had ideological significance. Soviet ideologists V. Lenin, N. Krupska, A. Lunacharsky and others emphasized importance of consolidation official and national celebrations as a part of cultural state development and ideological activities. Since early 60's of XX century began a new stage in development of mass celebrations, which were caused by profound political changes in Soviet Union after 20th Congress of Communist Party. According to O. Penkova’s research in this period, the state returns to human beings at first time. However, mass celebrations in USSR kept its state and political character. The state established official holidays and was trying to turn them into public tradition. According to Decree of USSR Supreme Soviet About holidays and memorable dates from 1st of October 1980 to category of nationwide celebrations were included anniversary of October Revolution – on 7–8 November, V. Lenin's Birthday – on 22 April, International Day of Worker's Solidarity (Labour Day) – on 1–2 May, Victory Day of Soviet people in Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 – on 9 May, USSR Constitution Day – on 7 October, National Day of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – on 30 December, Day of Soviet Army and Navy – on 23 February, International Women's Day – on 8 March. Then article passes to statement that state established official holidays and was trying to turn them into public tradition. The special feature of these key holidays was a clear organization that carried out by apparatus structures of Communist Party. Commissions were engaged in preparation for holiday, which were created in all steps of party vertical. The trade unions, The Young Communist League (komsomol), administrations of enterprises and institutions also carried out decisions of party apparatus. The basic forms of mass celebrations were meetings and demonstrations during 60-80's of XX century in Kyiv. Together with parades of various kinds (military, sports, etc.) they were main forms of expression festive aesthetics of Soviet era. Involvement to celebration of state holidays began with early childhood. The main form of mass state holidays in Kyiv were demonstrations of workers that took place on 7th of November and 1st of May. The celebration of 1500 th anniversary of Kyiv in 1982 became a significant mass celebration in Kyiv in Soviet period as well. In conclusions is revealed that setting of mass celebrations is closely associated with ideological content of Soviet period (the 60-70's of XX century). In Kyiv such mass celebrations as Victory Day, May Day, Day of October Revolution and others necessarily were held in form of meetings and demonstrations. At time of events constantly were used state symbols, portraits of leaders and senior communist party leaders, Heroes of Great Patriotic War and Socialist Labor. In order to ensure solemnity and emotionality in setting of mass celebrations were applied large stands depicting Kyiv emblem or symbols of Kyiv enterprises. Banners with slogans, posters, music of patriotic character, elements of theatrical performances involving athletics and choreographic groups were also widely used.

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