
Let $f : X \to S$ be a family of smooth projective algebraic varieties over a smooth connected quasi-projective base $S$, and let $\mathbb {V} = R^{2k} f_{*} \mathbb {Z}(k)$ be the integral variation of Hodge structure coming from degree $2k$ cohomology it induces. Associated to $\mathbb {V}$ one has the so-called Hodge locus$\textrm {HL}(S) \subset S$, which is a countable union of ‘special’ algebraic subvarieties of $S$ parametrizing those fibres of $\mathbb {V}$ possessing extra Hodge tensors (and so, conjecturally, those fibres of $f$ possessing extra algebraic cycles). The special subvarieties belong to a larger class of so-called weakly special subvarieties, which are subvarieties of $S$ maximal for their algebraic monodromy groups. For each positive integer $d$, we give an algorithm to compute the set of all weakly special subvarieties $Z \subset S$ of degree at most $d$ (with the degree taken relative to a choice of projective compactification $S \subset \overline {S}$ and very ample line bundle $\mathcal {L}$ on $\overline {S}$). As a corollary of our algorithm we prove conjectures of Daw–Ren and Daw–Javanpeykar–Kühne on the finiteness of sets of special and weakly special subvarieties of bounded degree.

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