
Abstract The superspace ring $\Omega _n$ is a rank n polynomial ring tensored with a rank n exterior algebra. Using an extension of the Vandermonde determinant to $\Omega _n$ , the authors previously defined a family of doubly graded quotients ${\mathbb {W}}_{n,k}$ of $\Omega _n$ , which carry an action of the symmetric group ${\mathfrak {S}}_n$ and satisfy a bigraded version of Poincaré Duality. In this paper, we examine the duality modules ${\mathbb {W}}_{n,k}$ in greater detail. We describe a monomial basis of ${\mathbb {W}}_{n,k}$ and give combinatorial formulas for its bigraded Hilbert and Frobenius series. These formulas involve new combinatorial objects called ordered set superpartitions. These are ordered set partitions $(B_1 \mid \cdots \mid B_k)$ of $\{1,\dots ,n\}$ in which the nonminimal elements of any block $B_i$ may be barred or unbarred.

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