
Entity synonym discovery (ESD) from text corpus is an essential problem in many entity-leveraging applications, e.g., web search and question answering. This paper aims to address three limitations that widely exist in the current ESD solutions: 1) the lack of effective utilization for synonym set information; 2) the feature extraction of entities from restricted receptive fields; and 3) the incapacity to capture higher-order contextual information. We propose a novel set-aware ESD model that enables a flexible receptive field for ESD by making a breakthrough in using entity synonym set information. The contextual information of entities and entity synonym sets are arranged by a two-level network from which entities and entity synonym sets can be mapped into the same embedding space to facilitate ESD by encoding the high-order contexts from flexible receptive fields. Extensive experimental results on public datasets show that our model consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art with significant improvement.

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