
We are very pleased to welcome the 100 of this WWW 2012 poster track. We wish to thank all Program Committee members for the quality (and the quantity) of their work. And naturally, we also congratulate authors of the selected contributions that reflect the variety of the WWW series conferences: all present high quality work in various domains, poster authors come from various countries and represent both academic and industrial research teams. The poster track provides an opportunity for authors and conference attendees to interact and exchange about innovative theoretical and technical work in progress around, about and on the Web.In addition to being displayed during three whole days from 4/18 to 4/20, WWW'2012 will also be shortly presented on Thursday 4/19 PM. Seven spotlight events are organized to give conference attendees a 5-minute glimpse on each poster content, in the following areas:1 - Web search / Web mining: WWW contains rich data, yet how to effectively use such rich data is challenging. Web search is mainly about searching information with a proper query, while web mining has a boarder scope of knowledge exaction from the Web.2 - Natural Language Processing / Information Search and Retrieval: NLP and IR are two major foundations of Web search. With more and more applications on the Web, the boundary between NLP and IR is getting smaller. How to efficiently and effectively handle large scale online data is a challenge for NLP and IR communities.3 - Web engineering / Performance / Security / Privacy: this session copes with the everyday challenges of Web development: how to improve contents and applications design processes, how to serve them efficiently and securely to users and how to face privacy issues.4 - Recommender Systems / Semantic Web: Recommender Systems allow Web communities access the best of users' opinions. Semantic Web and Linked Data rely on communities' data to harvest and process complex information. This session presents that cope with graph algorithms and semantic/social data.5 - Social Web / Human Factors / Accessibility: this session deals with human-oriented topics. The presented mainly concern analysis and prediction of social behavior and influence, as well as of individual behavior, affective computing and Web accessibility.6 - Microblogging / Social media / Catch up TV: social media and microblogging provide rich online information with a different perspective from traditional static Web page data. How to effectively search, mine and utilize such valuable information is a very stimulating research area.7 - Monetization: in this session explore efficient ways to spread ads on the Web or analyze the efficiency of existing algorithms on actual e-commerce activity.This year's edition aims at augmenting posters in several ways: poster views are also available in virtual worlds, and attendees can access poster metadata and additional information and even chat with authors using their smartphones and tabs. Numerous efforts have been made to encourage discussions about for the largest audience, inside and outside the conference. So come, see and participate!

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