
Voice is one of the important means of expression of an actor/actress. It forms a strong link in the interaction between actors and actors and audience . Realising that the efficiency of a voice has been lessened and limited in area due to many reasons and trying to solve this problem, constitude the basis of voice training. It is possible to free the actor/ actress and his/her voice from physical and mental blockings by means of exercices. And then the voice, word and sentence will be filled with energy; the play will gain a vital content. The aim in voice training in this context is to reach a natural (free) voice. Natural voice is unblocked voice. An actor/actress could have the opportunity to express, to create different characters by means of this free voice. An actor/actress, primaily, should not have a resonating, nice voice but a voice full of sincerity which could express the meaning and feeling in the text with its reality, richness and colour. ________________________________________________________________ Konusma, insanin duygu ve dusuncelerini ifade edebilmek icin, bedeninde baska islevleri olan organlari kullanarak olusturdugu belki de insanlik tarihinin en onemli bulusudur. Baslangicta sadece iletisimi saglamaya yonelik olan konusma, sonradan sanata yaklastirilmis ve oyuncunun bir sanat eserini ifade edebilmek icin kullandigi etkin araclardan biri haline gelmistir. Sophocles, bunu su sozlerle ifade etmistir: Dunyanin guzellikleri arasinda hicbiri insan kadar harikulade degildir. Cunku insan konusma sanatini ogrenmistir.1 Iletisimin en guclu yolu olan konusma araciligi ile insan, sevinc, ofke, mutluluk gibi duygularini dile getirir. Bir baska ifadeyle ses, insanin ic dunyasinin disa vurumudur. * Yard.Doc.Dr. Ankara Universitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakultesi, Tiyatro Bolumu

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