
[abstFig src='/00290002/15.jpg' width='300' text='Proposed method for tracking and following respiratory organ motion' ] High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is potentially useful for treating stones and/or tumors. With respect to HIFU therapy, it is difficult to focus HIFU on the focal lesion due to respiratory organ motion, and this increases the risk of damaging the surrounding healthy tissues around the target focal lesion. Thus, this study proposes a method to cope with the fore-mentioned problem involving tracking and following the respiratory organ motion via a visual feedback and a prediction model for respiratory organ motion to realize highly accurate servoing performance for focal lesions. The prediction model is continuously updated based on the latest organ motion data. The results indicate that respiratory kidney motion of two healthy subjects is successfully tracked and followed with an accuracy of 0.88 mm by the proposed method and the constructed system.

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