
Amac: invaziv kansere donusebilecek oncu lezyonlarla seyreden serviks kanseri onlenebilir bir hastaliktir. Erken tanida servikovajinal sitolojiler onemlidir. Amacimiz, 2001 Bethesda Sistemine gore serviko-vaginal smear olgularimizin sitopatolojik bulgularini guncel bilgiler esliginde yeniden degerlendirerek sunmaktir. Gerec ve yontem: Calismamizda 2005 – 2010 arasinda Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Patoloji laboratuvarinda Bethesda sistemine gore tani almis 11946 olgunun raporlari tekrar gozden gecirildi. Bulgular: 11946 servikovaginal smearda ASC-US (Atipical Squamous Cells-Undetermined Significance) %0.92, ASC-H (Atipical Squamous Cells-Cannot Exclude High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions) %0.1, LSIL(Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion): %0.08, HSIL(High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) %0.07 ve malign hucre %0.02 olarak bulundu. ASH:SIL (Atipical Squamous Cells: Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) orani 144:19 olarak belirlendi. Sonuc: ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL, HSIL ve skuamoz hucreli karsinom olgularimiz az sayidadir. Laboratuvardaki kalite kontrolunu belirlemede ASH:SIL orani onemlidir. Fakat daha iyi yorumlama yapilabilmesi icin genis diziler iceren calismalar yapilmalidir. ABSTRACT Aim: Servical cancer is a preventable disease, which manifests as prior lesions that can turn into invasive cancers. Servico-vaginal sitologies are important in early diagnosis. We aim to offer the sitopathologic findings of servico-vaginal smear according to 2001 Bethesda System in view of updated knowledge. Materials methods: In our study, the 5961 case reports diagnosed according to Bethesda System in Mustafa Kemal University Laboratuary of Pathology between 2005-2007 have been reviewed. Results : Of 11946 cases, the findings in servico-vaginal smear were as fallows: ASC-US (Atipical Squamous Cells-Undetermined Significance) 0.92%, ASC-H (Atipical Squamous Cells-Cannot Exclude High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions) 0.1%, LSIL(Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) 0.08%, HSIL (High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) 0.07%, and malign cells 0.02%. The ratio of ASH to SIL (ASH:SIL) has been determined as 144:19. Conclusion: The cases of ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL, HSIL and squamous cell carcinoma are relatively few. In determining the quality control in the laboratuary the ASH:SIL ratio is important. However, for a better evaluation, studies with wider series should be carried out.

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