
Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate service quality perception and behavioural purchase intention in hotels by utilizing a Measurement Invariance of Composite (MICOM) approach with the aim of understanding the differences in the service quality perception among male and female guests in hotels. Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented. The service quality theory and the theory of planned behaviour stand out, providing a solid basis for understanding the context of the investigation. Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises the explanation design, including a quantitative approach. A total of 751 questionnaires were completed by visitors to Ghanaian hotels Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed that although male and female hotel visitors perceive service quality differently, there are no appreciable variations between the impact of service quality perception on behavioural purchase intent. In the discussion section, these results are contextualized in light of the theoretical framework, highlighting the implications and relationships identified. Possible discrepancies and limitations of the study are also considered in this section. Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of marketing. These implications could encompass perceived service quality and behavioural purchase intent among hotel guests. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by By contrasting the perceived service quality and behavioural purchase intentions of male and female customers among hotels utilizing the MICOM procedure. For municipal governments and service providers looking to increase behavioural purchase intention among male and female guests, this paper offers a variety of practical implications. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by the fact that The assessment of perceived service quality may not be measurement-invariant. Therefore, when comparing the findings of a heterogeneous group, researchers should use caution.

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