
RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul is one of the charities Muhammadiyah Persyarikatan business located in the district of Bantul. In its efforts to enhancing the quality of service, the management did attempt to explore what the keinginkan customers. Steps taken by management is to provide a suggestion box, but the attention of the customer against such a move does not show a meaningful response. This study aims to assist the hospital management to explore the desires of customers based on SERVQUAL Model SERVQUAL model of service quality measurement model is formulated by Parasuraman. This model defines the gap or gap (G) for service quality factor. As for the dimensions of service quality used five dimensions of service quality developed by Parasuraman et al, including the dimension Tangibles, Responsivness, Reability, Assurance and Emphaty The research results showed that all the attributes of the value gap. But once the performance is quite satisfactory, it is seen from all the attributes of the service shows the value above 3. The efforts undertaken by the acquisition by the largest gap value in each dimension of SERVQUAL, among others, prioritize budgetary allocations to the procurement of medical devices, training in terms of skills, attitudes and behavior conducted periodically by management and pencermatan back towards the outsourcing of cleaning service in terms of technical coordination Key words: Quality of service, the dimensions of quality, SERVQUAL

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