
This study assessed various factors related to service quality ininfluencing artificial intelligence security technology. It was carried out through quantitative approach where the data of respondents perceptionsof UAE citizens towards the enhancing service quality in the UAE's AI security sectorwas derived through queationnaire survey. The factors were categorized in four groups which are performance expectancy group with seven factors; effort expectancy group with seven factors; social influencegroup with four factors; and facilitates condition group with five factors. With these factors, the respondents were requested to gauge the degree of influence of each factor using 5-points likert scale. The questionnairesurvey managed to secure 359 completed questionnaire forms. The data from these forms were analysed using descriptive statistic. It was found that facilitates conditiongroup of factor is the most influencing category on service quality to adopt AI technology. It can be concluded that theoverall results indicate that facilitates condition, effort expectancy and performance expectancy groups are reported having very high influencing categories while social influence group having high influencing ategory. It was also found that AI technologies are very frequently used technologies by the UAE citizens. Based on the study, it is deduced that service quality is a basic consideration as reported by the UAE personnel for adoption of any technology.

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