
With the rise of different transportation modalities worldwide, companies have gained the ability to consider different aspects of moving or delivering. Motorcycle taxis or MTHS have been widely available but has little literatures available when it comes to their services. This research employed Structural Equation Modelling to examine the service quality and customer satisfaction of MTHS in the Philippines. An integrated Social Exchange Theory (SET) and SERVQUAL 5 dimensions were employed with 1037 valid respondents and the causal analysis showed how trust on service quality was the most influential factor affecting customer satisfaction after service quality on customer satisfaction. Economic benefit, traffic management, and accessibility were deemed significant under SET, while tangibles, empathy, reliability, and assurance were significant under the SERVQUAL domains. It was indicating that MTHS in the Philippines as a whole, provides good service, provides excellent value for money, and have less concerns compared to other public transportation aside from safety concerns. In addition, it was indicated from the findings that drivers of MTHS have good manners, well trained, and that the transportation service can get them to designated places. Assessing consumer satisfaction may improve the overall business and country transportation through economic impact by the increase in customer satisfaction and continuous utilization. The output of this study can be therefore applied and even extended among transportation services worldwide.

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