
Abstract Studies show that electromobility will emerge in urban areas. As urban mobility solutions are changing, electromobility is intended with a big potential of sustainable innovation. Nevertheless, changing the mobility culture depends on certain requirements. According to Urri, the automobile development lies in breaking the dominant role of cars which results in a development deadlock. In order to change the mobility culture, the mental approach to mobility options and the infrastructural conditions need to be considered as two central factors. Future mobility isn´t about less mobility, but rather a different way of being mobile and using different types of mobility solutions. This paper presents a research project that is based on the systemic-relational approach. It seeks to develop and introduce the conditions of electromobility in an urban area without a well-frequented local public transport by a networked innovation cooperation in four development areas. The central goal of this work is the integrated development of service innovation of technical and non-technical manner based on the network of project partners, the city council and the university. A change towards electromobility means changing infrastructure, market actors and business models. It signifies a change of social-cultural systems regarding mobility habits, practices and values. One of our main results show that the emotional perception by using experiences of electromobility has a positive effect on its social acceptability which raises the “flow factor” of electromobility.

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