
Nowadays, the cloud computing services encounter several cloud Quality of Service challenges, such as reliability, cost, and response time. The most common mechanism to improve cloud service reliability is fault-tolerant technique. However, this reliability enhancement technique inevitably results in multiple replications, which lead to high service cost. In recognition of these challenges, we build a cloud computing systems resources management architecture. Then, we analyze the cloud service execution reliability on the physical resources of a VM and used a CUDA-enabled parallel two-dimensional LSTM to predict the software faults of a cloud VM. Thirdly, we propose an effective primary/backup cloud service cost calculation approach. To overcome the cloud service response time constraint, we integrate a response time slack factor into this method. Fourthly, we formulate the cloud service reliability and cost aware job scheduling problem, which aims at minimizing the total cloud service cost and rejection rate, and improving the system reliability. Fifthly, a heuristic greedy reliability and cost aware job scheduling (RCJS) algorithm is proposed. Finally, a performance evaluation is conducted and the experimental results demonstrate that our proposed RCJS algorithm significantly outperforms optimal redundant VM placement (OPVMP), MIN-MIN algorithms in terms of average service cost and rejection rate.

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