
Th e values for the serum protein profi les of horses are available in many studies. However, only one study has characterized the electrophoretic migration profi le of plasma protein in donkeys. Th e present study aimed to determine by agarose gel electrophoresis the normal values for serum protein fractions in erratic Brazilian-breed donkeys and to compare these values with those of the serum proteins of horses. Serum samples were collected from 26 donkeys of the Brazilian-breed and from 10 healthy horses. Th e serum levels of the total proteins were determined by the biuret method. Th e separation and determination of the values of serum protein fractions were performed by means of agarose gel electrophoresis and the analysis of the data was done using specifi c soft ware. Th e results were compared using an unpaired t-test, with the level of statistical signifi cance set at P < 0.05. A total of 7 protein fractions were found: albumin and α1-, α2-, β1-, β2-, γ1-, and γ2-globulins. Th e results showed that in the evaluated donkeys the levels of α2-globulins were higher than those of α1-globulins and that the levels of γ1-globulins were higher than those of γ2-globulins. Furthermore, the sexual interference in the concentrations of proteins and their fractions revealed that no sex-related diff erence was present. Th e serum concentrations of protein fractions from the donkeys were similar to those of horses. Sex did not aff ect the serum protein levels.

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