
Human serum paraoxonase (PON1) is located on high density lipoprotein and has been implicated in the detoxification of organophosphates and possibly in the prevention of low density lipoprotein lipid peroxidation. PON1 has two genetic polymorphisms both due to amino acid substitution, one involving glutamine (A genotype) and arginine (B genotype) at position 192 and the other leucine (L genotype) and methionine (M genotype) at position 55. We investigated the effect of these polymorphisms on serum PON1 activity and concentration in 252 non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) individuals and 282 non-diabetic controls. Serum PON1 activity in the controls (214.6 nmol/min per ml (26.3–620.8)) was significantly higher than in NIDDM (158.7 nmol/min per ml (3.6–550.5) ( P<0.001) as was serum PON1 concentration (89.1 μg/ml (16.8–527.4)) compared to 76.7 μg/ml (3.6–443.8) ( P<0.01). In the control population MM homozygotes had significantly lower serum PON1 activity regardless of the 192 polymorphism whereas in NIDDM both LM and MM genotypes had lower serum PON1 activity than LL homozygotes only when the 192 AA genotype was present. Serum PON1 concentration was lower in NIDDM with AA/LM, AA/LL, AB/LL and AB/MM genotypes than in controls. Differences in PON1 activity were the major cause of differences in specific activity between genotypes. Neither the PON1 55 or 192 polymorphisms consistently influenced the serum lipid or lipoprotein concentrations in either population. Low serum PON1 activity in NIDDM may be related to an increased tendency to lipid peroxidation and may also increase susceptibility to toxicity from organophosphate exposure. Our findings thus raise the possibility that PON1 may be of importance in both the genetic and acquired predisposition to premature atherosclerosis and neuropathy in diabetes.

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