
To determine the relative magnitudes of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) levels after complex partial status epilepticus (SE), absence SE, generalized convulsive SE, and subclinical generalized convulsive SE (frequently referred to as acute symptomatic myoclonic status epilepticus). NSE is a marker of acute brain injury and blood-brain barrier dysfunction, which is elevated in SE. Serum NSE levels were drawn in 31 patients 1, 2, 3, and 7 days after SE. Patients were classified as acute symptomatic or remote symptomatic, and the duration and outcome of SE were determined and correlated with the peak NSE level. NSE was elevated significantly in all four subtypes of SE, but NSE levels were highest in complex partial and subclinical SE. The mean peak NSE level for the complex partial SE group was 23.88 ng/mL (n = 12), 21.5 ng/mL for absence SE (n = 1), 14.10 ng/mL for the generalized convulsive SE group (n = 12), and 37.83 ng/mL for the subclinical SE group (n = 6), all of which was significantly higher than normal control subjects (5.02 ng/mL). Outcome was significantly different between the three groups (p = 0.0007), and was significantly worse for subclinical SE (p = 0.0005, subclinical versus generalized convulsive SE). Serum NSE levels were highest in complex partial and subclinical generalized convulsive SE. The extremely high levels of NSE in subclinical SE reflect the severity of the acute neurologic insults and poor outcome common to subclinical SE. High NSE levels in complex partial SE reflects the long duration of SE in this subgroup, and potential for brain injury.

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