
In 137 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis serum uric acid level was determined by Newton's method. The mean value in 100 male patients was 3.74±0.98mg per dl, and the mean value in 37 female patients was 3.04±0.87mg per dl. This difference in sex is statistically significant. Between age and serum uric acid level there was not a significant correlation. On the other hand there was found a correlation between the pathological findings in chest X-ray and the serum level of it; i.e. severer the pathological findings in chest X-ray was, lower the uric acid level in serum was. It was also lower in the patients with positive culture in sputum than the patients with negative culture.The administration of PAS, SM or INH showed no appreciable influence on the uric acid level of patients.Urinary output of uric acid was mesured in 28 patients taking ordinary diet of author's sanatorium and the mean daily output was estimated as 497(122-872)mg and there was found no correlating factor with this value, with the exceptin of PZA administration, which will be discussed in next paper.

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