
Abstract Aim. The relation between the occurrence of the hypertrophic scar and serum immunoglobulin levels with specific reference to IgE was investigated in burn patients. Methods. This study included 20 burn patients hospitalized in our clinic. Serum levels of immunoglobulin A, G, M and E were measured in the first 48 hours, on the 10th day and on the 90th day during the treatment. Evaluation of the hypertrophic scar was made using Vankouver scar scale. The relation between the hypertrophic scar and serum levels of each immunoglobulins were analyzed. Results. Serum levels of immunoglobulin A, G and M decreased in the early postburn period, and they returned to normal in the following period. There were serious variations in the levels of IgE. In some patients the levels stayed within normal ranges, in some of them increased and in some of them decreased. Conclusion. There were no relation among the hypertrophic scar formation and levels of immunoglobulins A, G and M. We were unable to find a significant relation between the IgE levels and formation of hypertrophic scars; however, there were some peculiarities which we discussed. Keywords: Burn, immunoglobulin, immunoglobulin E, hypertrophic scar. Ozet Amac. Yanikli hastalarda hipertrofik skar gelisimi ile immunoglobulin duzeyleri arasindaki iliskinin IgE duzeyleri on planda dikkate alinarak incelenmesi. Yontemler. Bu calisma yanik nedeni ile klinigimize yatirilmis 20 hastayi kapsamaktadir. Immunglobulin A, G, M, E duzeyleri icin kan ornekleri hastalardan ilk 48 saatte, 10. gunde ve 90. gunde alinmistir. Hipertrofik skar degerlendirmesi Vankouver skar skalasi esas alinarak yapilmistir. Hipertrofik skar ve serum immunoglobulin duzeyleri iliski incelenmistir. Bulgular. Erken donemde serum IgA, M ve G duzeyleri dusmus ve daha sonar tekrar normale donmustur. Serum IgE duzeylerinde ise ciddi farkliliklar soz konusudur. Serum IgE duzeyleri bazi hastalarda normal duzeylerde seyrederken, bazilarinda yukselmis, bazilarinda da dusmustur. Sonuc. Hipertrofik skar gelisimi ile IgA, G ve M arasinda herhangi bir iliski saptanmamistir. Ayni durum IgE ile hipertrofik skar gelisimi arasinda da soz konusu olmakla birlikte IgE duzeylerindeki farkliliklar ilginc olup yazida tartisma konusu yapilmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Yanik, immunglobulin, immunglobulin E, hipertrofik skar

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