
To the Editor.— The Australia antigen has been associated with both and infectious hepatitis, and many laboratories are using reaction electrophoresis to detect the antigen. 1-4 Our case report points out a source of error that 'has apparently been unrecognized in the past. Report of a Case.— A 21-year-old white, male, college student entered the Abington Memorial Hospital with a history of intermittent nausea and vomiting of two weeks' duration, and dark urine, light-colored stools, pruritus, hives, and joint pains during the week prior to admission. He gave a history of bimonthly abuse of heroin, administered intravenously, and on two occasions had shared a needle with several individuals who had developed viral hepatitis. The patient was icteric and had a tender liver 13 cm in breadth in the midclavicular line. The hemoglobin level was 15.3 gm/100 ml. The serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase was greater than 1.500μ/ml; lactic dehydrogenase level

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