
A decrease in serum zinc can be caused by a real zinc deficiency but can also becaused by an apparent zinc deficiency, e.g. in inflammatory stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic power of serum alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in the discrimination between pathophysiologic states of “real” and “apparent” zinc deficiency. A decrease in serum zinc was induced in growing and adult rats, by providing a diet low in zinc and by causing inflammatory stress. AP activity was determined using reagents low or enriched in zinc. Serum AP was decreased in zinc-deficient adult rats ( P < 0.01). In zinc-deficient growing rats AP activity was not different from normal rats but AP activity decreased rapidly. In the same growing rats a significant difference was found in AP activities determined using buffers low and enriched in zinc ( P < 0.001) between both groups of rats. After inducing inflammatory stress a decrease in AP activity ( P < 0.01) and serum zinc ( P < 0.001) was seen during the first few days. After the initial phase of inflammation AP activity normalized, serum zinc showed a rise which after correction for the decrease in serum albumin reached the level of the control rats. A difference in AP activity in buffers low and enriched in zinc was observed only during the first few days after induction of inflammatory stress ( P < 0.001). Probably the method of measurement of the difference in enzyme activity, using buffers low and enriched in zinc, can be used as an indication for zinc deficiency in situations with changing AP enzyme concentrations. AP activity is decreased during the initial phase of inflammatory stress due to a decrease in serum zinc.

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