
In an attempt to identify duodenal endocrine cells emitting formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), chicken duodena were studied by combined fluorescence, ultrastructural, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical methods in the same or consecutive sections. Our results show that: (1) Almost all the cells emitting yellow fluorescence by both the Falck-Hillarp and the Furness methods exhibit an immunohistochemical reaction with serotonin (5-HT) antiserum. (2) Almost all cells radiating yellow fluorescence by the Furness method stain with toluidine blue in Epon-embedded sections, but, by high-voltage electron microscopy, can be subdivided into two types of cell containing either small round or polymorphous types of granules. (3) In the sections from which resin had been removed, all the cells emitting yellow FIF show argentaffinity by the Singh method, but not all cells display argyrophilia with the Grimelius method. (4) Cells exhibiting both argyrophil and argentaffin reactions in deresined serial sections are also separated into two types of cell, containing either small spherical or polymorphous types of granules by conventional electron microscopy in thin sections. Therefore, chicken enterochromaffin cells emit yellow FIF, store 5-HT, show both argentaffinity and argyrophilia, but are ultrastructurally classified into two types of granule-containing cells which may be related to polypeptides coexisting with 5-HT.

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