
The recently held Symposium "Serotonin: Animal Models and Clinical Targets" (Paris, 26-28th February 1992) reviewed the present status of new serotonergic drugs. Specific serotonin-uptake inhibitors (citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine) are now clearly accepted as antidepressants with apparently specific effects on obsessive-compulsive disorder. Available 5-HT1a agonists (buspirone, gepirone, ipsapirone) are somewhat disappointing as anxiolytics but more specific compounds (flesinoxan, S 20499, E 4424) are now in development. Neuroleptics with 5-HT2 antagonist properties (amperozide, clozapine, risperidone), appear to have lower EPS potential than classic neuroleptics but the role of 5-HT2 antagonism in the control of psychotic symptoms remains unclear. 5-HT3 antagonists (ondansetron, tropisetron, zacopride) may have anxiolytic and possibly cognition-enhancing properties but more clinical work is needed. Finally, in the preclinical sphere, electrophysiological, neurochemical, and behavioral approaches have been useful in elucidating mechanisms of action but have been less impressive, particularly behavioral techniques, in predicting clinical activity.

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