
Neural activity in the olfactory bulb (OB) can represent odor information during different brain and behavioral states. For example, the odor responses of mitral/tufted (M/T) cells in the OB change during learning of odor-discrimination tasks and, at the network level, beta power increases and the high gamma (HG) power decreases during odor presentation in such tasks. However, the neural mechanisms underlying these observations remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate whether serotonergic modulation from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) to the OB is involved in shaping activity during the learning process in a go/no-go task in mice. Fiber photometry was used to record the population activity of DRN serotonergic neurons during a go/no-go task. Invivo electrophysiology was used to record neural activity (single units and local field potentials) in the OB during the go/no-go task. Real-time place preference (RTPP) and intracranial light administration in a specific subarea (iClass) tests were used to assess the ability of mice to encoding reward information. Odor-evoked population activity in serotonergic neurons in the DRN was shaped during the learning process in a go/no-go task. In the OB, neural activity from oscillations to single cells showed complex, learning-associated changes and ability to encode information during an odor discrimination task. However, these properties were not observed after ablation of DRN serotonergic neurons. The activity of neural networks and single cells in the OB, and their ability to encode information about odor value, are shaped by serotonergic projections from the DRN.

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