
Ozet Abstract Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, iki yillik donemde dogurgan yastaki kadinlarda konjenital enfeksiyonlara yol acabilme potansiyeline sahip Toksoplazma gondii ve Rubella virusune karsi olusan antikorlarin seroprevalansini arastirmakti. Yontem: Bu calismaya 01.01.2012 01.01.2014 tarihleri arasinda hastanemize basvuran dogurgan yastaki kadinlar dahil edildi. Hasta serumlarindaki Toksoplazma ve Rubella antikorlari VIDAS (BioMerieux, France) kitleri kullanarak enzim immunoassay (EIA) yontemiyle olculdu. Test sonuclari retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Rubella IgM antikorlarinda (n=15) %0.5 oraninda pozitiflik saptanirken, IgG antikorlarinda (n=451) %95.8 oraninda bulunmustur. Toksoplazma IgM antikorlarinda (n=38) %1.2 oraninda pozitiflik saptanirken, IgG antikorlarinda (n=158) bu oran %35.5 olarak belirlenmistir. Sonuc: Bolgemizde dogurgan cagdaki kadinlarda saptanan yuksek toksoplazma seronegatifliginden dolayi toksoplazma icin rutin taramaya ihtiyac bulunmaktadir. Ancak tum duyarli kadinlarin toksoplazma enfeksiyonlarindan korunma ve kontrolu acisindan egitimi konjenital enfeksiyon riskini azaltabilir. Saptadigimiz rubella seropozitiflik oranlarinin yuksek olmasi nedeniyle rubella icin rutin taramanin mutlak ihtiyac olmadigini dusunmekteyiz. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate seroprevalence of antibodies against Rubella virus and Toxoplasma gondii, which may cause congenital infections in childbearing age women in a period of two years. Method: This study included pregnant and childbearing age women who had admitted to our hospital in the period between 01.01.2012 and 01.01.2014. Toxoplasma and Rubella antibodies tests in sera of patients were tested with an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method using VIDAS (BioMerieux, France) kits. Test results were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Rubella IgM antibodies (n = 15) were detected as positive in 0.5% of samples and the IgG antibody seropositivity rate (n = 451) was found to be 95.8%. The Toxoplasma IgM antibody positivity rate was 1.2% (n= 38) and the IgG seropositivity was 35.5% (n = 158). Conclusion: Routine screening for toxoplasma seropositivity may be needed due to high seronegativity in among women of childbearing age in our region. Additionally, education of all susceptible women about protection and control of toxoplasma infection might be useful in decreasing the risk of congenital infections. However, routine screening for Rubella is considered unnecessary due to the high seropositivity rate.

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