
Leptospirosis isawidespread infection among pigs throughout the world. Inmost cases inUkraine, onlythe microscopic agglutination test (MAT) isused for the diagnosis ofleptospirosis inanimals. Ingeneral, during the period of2001-2019, 2381163 samples ofblood sera from swine were tested inour country and 85338 positive reactions were received, which is3.58% [binomial confidence intervals (BCI), 3.56-3.61%]. Itwas established that the serovars copenhageni- 33.91% (BCI, 33.59-34.23%), bratislava - 14.14% (BCI, 13.90-14.37%), pomona - 8.58% (BCI, 8.39-8.77%), and tarassovi - 7.12% (BCI, 6.95-7.30%) play aleading role inthe aetiological structure ofswine leptospirosis. Alarge number ofpositive reactions toseveral serovars was observed - 29.78% (BCI, 29.47-30.09%) ofthe total number ofpositive cases. Inaddition, the article presents data according toaretrospective analysis ofthe eight serovars circulating among pigs inUkraine. Thus, during the nineteen year period, there was adecrease inthenumber ofpositive reactions tobratislava, pomona, and tarassovi and anincrease inthenumber ofpositive reactions tocopenhageni, polonica, and kabura. Mapping Ukraine's territory for leptospirosis among pigs was carried out. This allows one toidentify zones with arisk ofleptospirosis infections among swine. The maps show that thehighest incidence rates were identified inthe eastern and central parts ofUkraine.

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