
Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) was isolated from the naturally infected bean plants collected from the Kafr El-Sheikh and El-Gharbia Governorates. BCMV induced sever mosaic, vein banding, malformation, leaf curling and stunting on bean plants cv. Giza 6. The isolated virus was propagated in bean plants cv. Giza 6. The identification of BCMV was carried out serologically by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using BCMV antiserum. Positive reaction indicated that the virus under study was related serologically to Potyvirus. The molecular biology techniques were used to identify and characterise the coat protein gene of BCMV. Oligonucleotide primers were designed for BCMV according to the published nucleotide sequences of BCMV and were successfully amplified with a DNA fragment (300 bp) from BCMV CP gene by RT-PCR. The total RNA was extracted from bean leaves and was reverse-transcribed and amplified using the oligonucleotide primer. The amplified product was analysed by gel electrophoresis. Also, Southern and dot blot hybridisations were used to establish the authenticity and specificity to the RT-PCR-amplified products of BCMV. The nucleotide sequences of the Egyptian isolate of BCMV/CP showed similarity with an isolate (BCMV-NY 15) which belongs to Puerto Rico.

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