
Background. The conception of febrile status epilepticus includes many syndromes with seizures of different etiologies (fever, infection, autoimmune processes, etc.). Generally developing seizures have a severe course and are difficult to treat.Objective: to classify patients with febrile status epilepticus and study their long-term prognosis.Materials and methods. The study included 10 patients (children and adolescents), hospitalized in the intensive care unit, whose epileptic status were associated with a fever.Results. In the analysis of the patients, who were included in the study, 4 subgroups can be distinguished: 1) a short-term period of convulsion against the background of metabolic decompensation caused by a main disease (with a conditionally favorable prognosis for seizures); 2) seizures as a manifestation of organic brain damage or infectious diseases with a serious prognosis of neurological development and seizures; 3) the onset of seizures against the background of fever (absence of any other causes of seizures); the prognosis of getting rid of seizures is variable, long follow-up monitoring is necessary, probably for many years; 4) true febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (in our study 1 patient had its classical form, and 1 patient had its less typical form (the onset of the disease at 18 years old – not at school age)).Conclusions. Obtained data illustrate the whole severity of febrile status epilepticus in children, according to follow-up observation, seizures persisted in at least 3 out of 10 patients (2 of them with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome), at least three patients had a serious infectious or organic brain pathology.


  • The conception of febrile status epilepticus includes many syndromes with seizures of different etiologies

  • The study included 10 patients, hospitalized in the intensive care unit, whose epileptic status were associated with a fever

  • Obtained data illustrate the whole severity of febrile status epilepticus in children, according to follow-up observation, seizures persisted in at least 3 out of 10 patients (2 of them with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome), at least three patients had a serious infectious or organic brain pathology

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Серия пациентов с фебрильным эпилептическим статусом: клинические проявления и долгосрочный катамнез. При анализе данных включенных в исследование пациентов можно выделить 4 подгруппы: 1) кратковременный период судорог на фоне декомпенсации метаболизма, вызванной основным заболеванием (с условно благоприятным прогнозом в отношении приступов); 2) приступы как манифестация органического поражения головного мозга или инфекционного заболевания с серьезным прогнозом в отношении как неврологического развития, так и приступов; 3) дебют приступов на фоне лихорадки (отсутствие каких‐либо других причин для приступов); прогноз в отношении избавления от приступов вариабелен, необходимо длительное катамнестическое наблюдение, вероятно, в течение многих лет; 4) истинный эпилептический синдром, связанный с фебрильной инфекцией (в нашем исследовании его классическая форма отмечена у 1 пациента, еще у 1 пациента – менее типичная форма (дебют в 18 лет, а не в школьном возрасте)). Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute; 61 / 2 Shchepkina St., Moscow 129110, Russia

Convulsive syndrome
Менингоэнцефалит Meningoencephalitis
Generalized epileptiform activity with emphasis in the frontal and central areas
Замедление основной
Эпилептиформной активности не выявлено
Antiepileptic drug therapy
Структурная фокальная эпилепсия на фоне аутоиммунного
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