
In Exp. I, 24 Os viewed a circular disc monocularly, under reduced conditions, in the frontal-parallel plane and at geometric slants of 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°, in random, increasing and decreasing order of angles. Os estimated slant by setting a tilt-rod from the vertical, the horizontal, and the position of the preceding response. The response pattern, increase in error to 30° or 45° and decrease to 60°, was stable for most conditions. Amount of error was affected by order and tilt-rod setting. The results for order and for the response and vertical initial settings of the tilt-rod were interpreted in terms of anchoring. The results for the horizontal initial setting were ascribed to extension of subjective reference scales. Exp. II tested the possibility that the results for order were due to figural aftereffect. Os fixated the disc for 4 min. at 15° and later estimated its slant at 60°, and conversely. The results, relative to those for a control condition involving 4-sec. exposures of the disc, were negative.

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