
We start with a working definition of serial verb constructions in §18.1. In §18.2 we discuss the defining properties of serial verb constructions in Tariana. Asymmetrical, symmetrical and ambient serial verb constructions (SVCs) are considered in §18.3-6. In §18.7 we analyse verb compounding patterns. Working definition of a serial verb construction Tariana has a complex system of serial verbs and a certain amount of verb compounding. Serial verbs in Tariana provide important evidence in favour of the existence of cross-linguistically valid defining properties for serial verbs. Verb serialisation and verb compounding are independent grammatical processes, each with a grammaticalisation and lexicalisation path of its own, and with distinct functions. Their co-existence in one language is consistent with the principle of iconic motivation: the closer the elements are in surface structure, the more they are grammaticalised or lexicalised (see Aikhenvald 1999e). A serial construction is defined as a sequence of several verbs which act together as a single predicate; it has all or some of the following properties (see Durie 1997, and the summary in Aikhenvald 1999e): (I) A serial construction has the properties of a single predicate: (a) it refers to a single event; (b) it functions on a par with monoverbal clauses in discourse; (c) it has a single subject; (d) it has shared tense/aspect, modality and, often, polarity value; (e) verbs in a serial construction often share other arguments. (II) […]

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