
This paper comments Eckhart’s sermon “Beati pauperes spiritu...” , trying to show how the inner sense of spiritual poverty, the first of the blessednesses, is finally to reassume the uncreated plenitude, or the Deity (Gottheit), previous to the production of God (Gott) and the world, as correlatives of the free self-creation of the subject. To want nothing, to know nothing and to own nothing, indeed to be nothing, is thus a deconstitution of the subject which frees him from himself, from God and from everything, in returning to the absolute. The mystical fruition of that absolute than assumes an a-theist, a-theological and an-archic meaning, as it suspends the divinisation of the primordial and its representation as an hegemonic and extrinsical principle. Zero degree of being, renunciation of all limitations of existence, extreme poverty is here the absolute wealth of being no more than the Infinite.

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