
The task of a telecloning protocol is to send an arbitrary qubit possessed by a sender to multiple receivers. Instead of performing Bell measurement at the sender's node, if one applies unsharp measurement, we show that the shared state can further be recycled for a certain number of telecloning protocol. Specifically, in case of a single sender and two receivers, the maximum attempting number, which is defined as the maximum number of rounds used by the channel to obtain quantum advantage in the fidelity, turns out to be 3 both for optimal and nonoptimal shared states for telecloning while the maximal number reduces to 2 in case of three receivers. Although the original telecloning with quantum advantage is possible for arbitrary numbers of receivers, we report that the recycling of resources is not possible in telecloning involving a single sender and more than three receivers, thereby demonstrating a no-go theorem. We also connect the maximal achievable fidelities in each round with the bipartite entanglement content of the reduced state between the sender and one of the receivers as well as with the monogamy score of entanglement.

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