
A methodology is presented for nanometer-size patterning of a workpiece using both an electron-beam and a laser. A Monte Carlo/Ray Tracing technique is used in modeling the electron-beam propagation inside a thin gold film. This approach is identical to that of a typical Monte Carlo simulation in radiative transfer except that proper electron scattering properties are employed. The laser propagation within the one-dimensional, non-scattering film on top of a quartz substrate is modeled using a ray-tracing approach and reflections at the boundaries are accounted for with the Fresnel-expressions. The temperature distribution inside a gold film is then predicted using the Fourier law of heat conduction, after evaluating the accuracy of the model for the range considered. A sequential nano-pattern is created using these coupled numerical simulations. The procedure we present here is the first to outline the sequential nano-machining processes and likely to guide the experimental studies to success with less trial-and-error attempts.

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