
Five whiplash-shaken infants presented initially with lethargy, vomiting, irritability, and intraocular hemorrhage and had sequential cranial computed tomography (CT). In three of the five infants, results of the initial CT scans of the head were either normal or demonstrated subtle abnormalities. However, significant subdural hemorrhages which were demonstrated by subdural aspiration developed subsequently in all three infants. Results of repeat CTs of the head showed progressive ventricular dilation and symmetrical bilateral fronto-parietal subdural hematomas. The retinal hemorrhages preceded both the clinical and radiologic recognition of subdural hematoma. Results of the initial head CT of the remaining two children showed intracerebral hemorrhages, cerebral edema and subsequently subdural hematoma. The finding of unexplained retinal hemorrhages in some infants, even though the initial CT head scan may show only minimal changes, warrants monitoring of the head circumference, fundus, and repeat head CT as indicated.

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