
Oleic acid (OA) administered to experimental animals increases pulmonary vascular permeability and produces a condition that pathophysiologically resembles adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in humans. The present study examined the sequence of cardiorespiratory changes after OA infusion and their similarity to ARDS. After a baseline period, mechanically ventilated and anesthetized dogs were administered 0.18 ml/kg body weight OA into the pulmonary artery while hemodynamic and respiratory changes were monitored. After OA infusion, cardiac output fell by 39%, paralleling a 26% decrease in heart rate. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) increased over 200% without a change in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and initially without an increase in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP). Within 30 min after OA infusion, dynamic pulmonary compliance (Cdyn) was reduced 32% from baseline values, with a coincident increase in the alveolar-arterial PO2 gradient (P[A-a]O2) but without a significant change in the pulmonary shunt fraction (Qsp/Qt). This was followed in 30 min by a further 27% decrease in Cdyn, with a Qsp/Qt in excess of 50%. Both the hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration increased progressively after OA infusion, without a change in plasma protein concentration. The results suggest that the sequence of cardiopulmonary changes after OA injury are initially marked by a decrease in Cdyn and an increase in PVR and P(A-a)O2. This is followed by an increase in Qsp/Qt, PAP, hemoglobin concentration and PCO2. The changes appear related to progressive flooding of the alveolar air space with edema fluid. These findings parallel the sequential cardiorespiratory changes reported to occur in ARDS.

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