
Mucin and lactoperoxidase are both natively present in the human saliva. Mucin provides lubricating and antiadhesive function, while lactoperoxidase has antimicrobial activity. We propose that combined films of the two proteins can be used as a strategy for surface modification in biomedical applications such as implants or biosensors. In order to design and ultilize mixed protein films, it is necessary to understand the variation in adsorption behavior of the proteins onto different surfaces and how it affects their interaction. The quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) technique has been used to extract information of the adsorption properties of bovine mucin (BSM) and lactoperoxidase (LPO) to gold, silica, and hydrophobized silica surfaces. The information has further been used to retrieve information of the viscoelastic properties of the adsorbed film. The adsorption and compaction of BSM were found to vary depending on the nature of the underlying bare surface, adsorbing as a thick highly hydrated film with loops and tails extending out in the bulk on gold and as a thinner film with much lower adsorbed amount on silica; and on hydrophobic surfaces, BSM adsorbs as a flat and much more compact layer. On gold and silica, the highly hydrated BSM film is cross-linked and compacted by the addition of LPO, whereas the compaction is not as pronounced on the already more compact film formed on hydrophobic surfaces. The adsorption of LPO to bare surfaces also varied depending on the type of surface. The adsorption profile of BSM onto LPO-coated surfaces mimicked the adsorption to the underlying surface, implying little interaction between the LPO and BSM. The interaction between the protein layers was interpreted as a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, which was in turn influenced by the interaction of the proteins with the different substrates.

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