
The Middle Paleocene-Eocene Megasequence AP10 was deposited during a period of renewed subduction and volcanic arc activity associated with the final closure of the Neo-Tethys . It is subdivided into two sequences according to the regional unconformity at the base of the Middle-Eocene : the Paleocene-Early Eocene, in which the Aaliji and Sinjar Formations were deposited in the studied area and Middle_Late Eocene sequences, in which the Jaddala Formation was deposited in the studied area. The distinguishable facies throughout Aaliji and Jaddala Formations deposits indicated to deep marine environments that lack benthonic foraminifera in contrast with the high percentage of planktonic foraminifera, especially Morozovella and Acarinina reflect the deep marine environment with tropical to subtropical climate condition. The Sinjar Formation characterizes by abundance of the Nummulite and bioclastic-lime wackestone subfacies indicate shallow inner shelf of carbonate shelf margin environments, followed by shoaling upward sequence, with chance to aerial exposure. The systematic investigation of planktonic foraminifera enabled us to identify thirty–four species and subspecies in the studied section, the stratigraphic distribution of these planktonic foraminiferal assemblages permit the recognition of seven biozones, two biozones (P4 and P5) have been established in Aaliji Formation (Late Paleocene) and five biozones (P9-P13 ) in Jaddala Formation (Early-Middle Eocene), where the contact between the two formations is unconformable that represents an interval of about 4 My, recorded by disappearance of three biozones P6, P7 and P8. Sequence stratigraphy analysis, as calibrated by sedimentary facies and biostratigraphy, delineated two sequences in Paleocene deposits that together interpret as 3rd order sequence, and 2nd order sequence in Eocene deposits. The two sequences shows good correlation of the northern Arabian Plate with other part of the platform during Paleocene and Eocene.

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