
This study was specifically analyzed in the southern part of the Banggai Basin, precisely in the TKA Field. In the Tertiary, regional stratigraphy reveals, the Banggai Sula microplate comprises carbonate shelf and siliciclastic sequence. Several previous studies had been concluding, the tertiary limestone was deposited during the Early Eocene to Middle Miocene. Carbonate formations which has been known by Tomori and Minahaki Formation. Meanwhile, their siliciclastic dominated is Matindok Formation and Celebes Mollase. These sequences formed a distinct stratigraphic style in the geophysical well log and seismic data. Four cycles are distinguished, the lower part of Tomori Formation at the outer shelf and directly overlying by the upper part of inner shelf Tomori Formation. it was superimposed by siliciclastic sediments that have been deposited in the outer litoral during regressive phase. Whereas during rising sea level or highstand, the litoral system migrated to basinward wherein Minahaki Formation was deposited. Sequence stratigraphy provides a reliable methodology for correlate both carbonate and siliciclastic successions. It was analyzed based on 4 wells, 2D, and 3D seismic data which has been available. Sequence stratigraphy analysis using T-R sequence concept by Embry and Johanessen. Trasngressive and regressive phases were obviously determined by lithofacies, coral colony and foram that were recorded on biostratigraphic analyses. In this study, cyclic sea-level change will be recognized as system tract record of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequence.

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