
On the eastern margin of Tunisia, Miocene limestones, marl, and siliciclastic deposits crop out poorly and are lacking in age-diagnostic faunal content. The biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of these series are not clearly defined. A regional study of subsurface sequences of this margin (Cap Bon, Gulf of Hammamet, and Sahel) by means of sequence stratigraphy and subsurface structural analyses permits the identification of seven third-order sedimentary sequences of inferred Langhian to Messinian age, the boundaries of which are characterized by downlap and onlap/toplap relationships. These sequences include turbidites, sands, and sandstones deposited in connection with eustatic sea level changes and tectonic movements of east-west and south-north deep-se ted faults due to the Alpine and Atlassic paroxysm. Stratal sequences are organized around Miocene syndepositional grabens, half-grabens, platforms, and folds occurring inside and outside of regional tectonic corridors. The geodynamic evolution of Miocene basins has led to the deposition of turbiditic black argillaceous source rocks, and sandstone and carbonate reservoirs that present new Miocene petroleum targets. The basin subsidence in response to the Alpine/Atlassic orogeny has permitted the maturation of Miocene source rocks, oil generation, and the formation of oil traps, stratigraphic pinch-outs, and structural enclosures on the flanks of folds and on the borders of grabens.

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