
Kink formation is essential in highly bent DNA complexed with gene regulatory proteins such as histones to release the bending stress stored within the DNA duplex. Local opening of the double-stranded DNA creates a sharp turn along the specific sequence, which leads to the global bending of the DNA strand. Despite the critical role of kink formation, it is still challenging to predict the position of kink formation for a given DNA sequence. In this study, we propose a theoretical model and perform molecular dynamics simulations to quantify the sequence-dependent kink probability of a strongly bent DNA. By incorporating the elastic bending energy and the sequence-specific thermodynamic parameters, we investigate the importance of the DNA sequence on kink formation. We find that the sequence with TA dinucleotide repeats flanked by GC steps increases the kink propensity by more than an order of magnitude under the same bending stress. The number of base pairs involved in the local opening is found to be coupled with the sequence-specific bubble formation free energy. Our study elucidates the molecular origin of the sequence heterogeneity on kink formation, which is fundamental to understanding protein-DNA recognition.

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