
Abstract A description is provided for Septoria gladioli . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: Hard rot (ANON., 1984), leaf spot and black spot on corm scales. HOSTS: Acidanthera spp., Crocus angustifolius (syn. : C. susianus), Freesia refracta, Gladiolus byzantinus, G. communis, G. dubius, G. gandavensis, G. hybridus, G. illyricus, G. imbricatus, G. inarmensis, G. italicus , (syn. : G. segetum), G. neglectus, G. palustris (Iridaceae). [Type host - Gladiolus italicus (syn. : G . segetum ).] GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Africa: Algeria. Asia: Armenia, Republic of Georgia, India, Iran, Russia (Far East), Syria, Turkmenistan. Atlantic Islands: Canary Islands. Central America: Costa Rica. Europe: Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eire, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine. North America: Canada, USA. South America: Argentina. TRANSMISSION: Three different distribution paths are known for this fungus: old corm to new corm, or mother corm to daughter corm infection; infection of corms or cormlets from infected débris in the soil (mycelium infection); secondary spread by means of spores from plants, in plantings of cormlets and seedlings (STONE, 1958).

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