
Fellow CPNP Members-As a volunteer driven organization, the work of CPNP members in identifying, selecting and developing potential leaders is critical to continuing the success of our growing organization. Given your understanding of our organization, its mission and goals and its members, I encourage you to participate in our elective process by reviewing the criteria for the CPNP Board leadership positions (president-elect, secretary board member at large) as well as the Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award and nominating yourself and CPNP members you believe are positioned to both meet the criteria as well as to ably serve the membership. The CPNP nominations center is presently open and nominations will cease to be accepted as of midnight on September 13, 2011.In other matters, the Board of Directors and Committees are diligently working for you in an ongoing way to prepare the program content for the CPNP 2012 Annual Meeting in Tampa, to further enhance the board certification preparation and review materials content, and identify needs for enduring resource materials through the publications and online products development committee. The flagship publication of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacists, the Mental Health Clinician, focuses on substance abuse issues this month. We believe this to be another in a series of outstanding efforts by the MHC editorial board.Earlier this year, I regaled you with my position on becoming actively involved in our organization's efforts. CPNP is a very open and inviting organization that actively solicits and accepts input from the membership. It is truly a team effort. In that regard, putting forward those whom you believe have what it takes to stand as officers is yet another opportunity to serve within CPNP. Again I believe active involvement will be rewarding both to you professionally, to our patients, and to the organization as well. On behalf of the CPNP Board of Directors and the nominations committee, I look forward hearing from you.Until next time-Jerry McKee Pharm.D., M.S., BCPPPS: CPNP's online volunteer center will be coming online in September so be sure to watch your email and weekly update messages for the opportunity to contribute your time and talents to 2012–2013 committees and ad-hoc opportunities as they arise.

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