
The transition to electric vehicles is not happening fast enough for Pete Frischmann, cofounder and CEO of the California-based start-up Sepion Technologies. “The shift from combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles is arguably the largest change in how raw materials, especially metals, move around the globe in the past century,” he says. “I don’t think people fully appreciate how massive the shift is and how important establishing new mines and supply chains is for combating climate change.” The cost of lithium-ion batteries is a key hurdle to making electric vehicles more affordable and hence more ubiquitous. The battery pack accounts for up to a third of the cost of an electric vehicle, according to Frischmann. Sepion reckons it can change the game by helping manufacturers switch from incumbent lithium-ion batteries to the firm’s lithium-metal battery approach. The start-up is promising automakers that its technology will cut cost per kilowatt-hour by

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