
Long-termed geological exploration of sepiolite in Serbia has proved that there exist two structuralmorphological types of sepiolite deposits: the vein type - in ultrabasic rocks, associated with vein magnesite deposits (of Goles, Trnava, Milicevci, Cavlovac, Masnica, Kive Strane and Slovici) and the stratiform type - in sedimentary series of Miocene basns (represented by deposits of Andrici, Tolica Kosa, Stanici and Silopaj). The deposits of both types contain considerable concentrations of sepiolite which possess favourable adsorptive and other properties (before all: rheologic and catalytic ones). On the basis of these properties the sepiolite from the deposits has been treated as a potential industrial mineral which could be used, like in the world, in various industrial branches, mainly as an sorbent. However, this usage was proved recently (in 2012), only for the sepiolite (i.e. sepiolite clay) from the Tolica Kosa deposit, by industrial technological testing of a technological sample. This testing, guided by the InterCer Company d.o.o. from Belgrade, demonstrated that, in appropriate industrial facilities and by using an appropriate technological treatment, it is feasible to get quality products (in the first place sorbents, additives for animal food and the others) from the sepiolite clay of the Tolica Kosa deposit which have application in Serbian industry.


  • On the basis of these properties the sepiolite from the deposits has been treated as a potential industrial mineral

  • This usage was proved recently (in 2012), only for the sepiolite (i.e. sepiolite clay) from the Tolića Kosa deposit, by industrial technological testing of a technological sample

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Mineral sepiolit – Mg8H6Si12(OH)10 6H2O odlikuje se velikom specifičnom površinom (do 350 m2/g) i velikom poroznošću, što ga čini efikasnim sorbentom (i to adsorbentom) za tečnosti i gasove. Kao prototip žičnih sepiolitskih ležišta (i u svetu i kod nas) mogu se uzeti koncentracije ovog minerala u žičnom magnezitskom ležištu Goleš (na Kosovu). Žičnom strukturno-morfološkom tipu sepiolitskih ležišta pripadaju koncentracije (žice, sočiva i nepravilna nagomilanja – slika 2) ovog minerala u žičnim magnezitskim ležištima: Goleš u goleškom ultrabazitskom masivu na Kosovu, Trnava u trnavskom ultrabazitskom masivu kod Raške i Milićevci u maljenskosuvoborskom ultrabazitskom masivu kod Čačka i u novije vreme otkrivene koncentracije u magnezitskim ležištima Čavlovac, Masnica, Krive strane i Slovići u zlatiborskom ultrabazitskom masivu. Sepiolitske koncentracije u magnezitskom ležištu Goleš većinom se javljaju kao prateća tela (žice, sočiva i nepravilna nagomilanja) u magnezitskim žicama Sepiolitska tela se, pri tom, najčešće nalaze u sredini magnezitskih žica i u njihovoj krovini, retko u njihovoj podini, a najređe su samostalne sepiolitske žice u peridotitu (slika 2). Slika 3 – Geološki profil C-D kroz sepiolitsko ležište Tolića kosa [24], d ‒ padinski nanos; dQ ‒ kvartarna deluvijalna glina; sep ‒ sepiolitska glina; M23 ‒ miocenska epidot-hloritsko-ilitska glina; Se ‒ serpentinit (sa korom raspadanja); R ‒raskop

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