
The different behavior of enantiomers of chiral compounds in non-isotropic environments (among them in living organism) is well known. On the other hand, the importance of a kinetic isotope effect in the biomedical field has become evident during past few decades. Thus, separation of both, enantiomers and isotopologues is now critical. Only very few published studies have attempted the simultaneous separation of enantioisotopologues. In this article we report baseline separation of partially deuterated isotopologues of a few amphetamine derivatives in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using achiral columns. In addition, the simultaneous separations of enantiomers and isotopologues (i.e. enantioisotopologues) were attempted on polysaccharide-based chiral columns. For several compounds the isotope effect was tunable and could be switched from a “normal” to “inverse” by making changes to the mobile-phase composition. A stronger isotope effect was observed in acetonitrile-containing mobile phases compared to methanol-containing ones with both chiral and achiral columns. In a separation system where both “normal” and “inverse” isotope effects were observed the “normal” isotope effect was favored in polar organic solvents while increasing content of the aqueous component in the reversed-phase (RP) mobile phase favored an “inverse” isotope effect. This observation indicates that polar, hydrogen bonding-type noncovalent interactions are involved in the “normal” isotope effect, while apolar hydrophobic-type interactions are mostly responsible for the “inverse” isotope effect.

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