
Dating rocks using226Ra/230Th isochrons demands radiochemical purification of radium and thorium. This paper presents an improved method. Rocks are solubilised by nitric/nydrofluoric digestion followed by dissolution of insoluble fluorides by boric/nitric acids, and Th is extracted by passing the 8M nitric solution through an anion column in nitrate form. The eluant contains Ra and Ba which are precipitated as sulphate and redissolved in alkaline EDTA. Complete separation of Ba and Ra from sulphate is on an AG 1×8 anion column in EDTA form, which was found better than the chloride form. The Ba+Ra is separated on an AG 50W×8 cation column, and uses CDTA as an eluant for Ba. Careful pH control is essential. Ra elutes later with EDTA or 4M HCl and is precipitated with 125 μg barium as sulphate to yield a source suitable for α-spectrometry, or further treated to electroplate the Ra. The yield tracers used are228Th and224Ra. Because the sample contains natural224Ra a correction must be applied, calculated from the amount of natural232Th in the Th spectrum. Th may be precipitated with 100 μg of ferric iron and gives a spectrometry-quality source, but further purification and electrodeposition was found to be preferable. Variations on the method for the case of analysis of calcium-rich fish otoliths are described.

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