
ABSTRACT Seismic hazard analysis is essential for evaluating the potential consequences and dangers linked to earthquakes, particularly in areas with regular seismic activity such as central and south-central Alaska. A detailed study of attenuation can help in better defining the wave behavior and so refine the ground-motion prediction. Here, we examined the scattering (Qs−1), intrinsic (Qi−1), and coda-wave (Qc−1) attenuation in central and south-central Alaska. To do so, we performed the multiple lapse time-window analysis (MLTWA) techniques and estimated the coda energy decay. We considered earthquakes that occurred between December 2014 and December 2020, with magnitudes between 2.0 and 6.5. We observed significant spatial variations in scattering loss (Qs−1) up to 3 Hz, which diminish at 6 and 12 Hz. The Wrangell block exhibits the most significant scattering loss at a frequency of 1.5 Hz. Another area of marked scattering loss was identified north of the Alaska Range (AR), where it was pronounced up to 6 Hz. The area around Anchorage registered the lowest intrinsic absorption across all the central frequencies, whereas the highest values were detected north of the AR, particularly at 3 and 6 Hz. The seismic albedo (B0) in central and south-central Alaska varies spatially and is mainly dominated by scattering loss up to 3 Hz. Both the Chugach mountains and Yakutat block (YB) area exhibit lower B0 values at all central frequencies showing the dominance of intrinsic absorption. Low values of Qc (high attenuation) are focused almost on all the frequencies along the Denali fault and YB, showing a strong influence of these structures on the attenuation. The results yield a comprehensive understanding of the unique attenuation characteristics of each region, underscoring the significance of investigating the behavior of seismic wave attenuation for seismic risk purposes.

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